With so many offers and deals from various cellular service providers, it is quite a task to pick out what deal is right for you, and it's especially hard when your looking for a plan that will work for everyone in your family. For the past 5 years Verizon has been my carrier choice, after having some service problems with other carriers, and I've found the Verizon service to be pretty straight forward and easy to manage. Verizon had been looked at as a bit more pricey at the time, but the reliability was worth the few extra dollars to me. I've upgraded my phone twice now with Verizon's "New Every 2" deal which allows customers to get a major discount when their current contract is almost up. I have had 2 phones on my plan over the years, but the option to add another phone at any time has always been an easy option to add online, with many customers needing up to 5 phones on a single plan.
The plan itself has also been easy to manage over the years, with easy online access to your account and the ability to add or take away any features at any time is always nice. The one complaint that I voiced earlier this year was that you are required to pay for a data plan even if you purchase a non-smart media phone and don't plan on using Internet. While I still don't like having to pay extra for a date plan I barely use, it's a common practice with all the carriers so I can't complain too much. The online access makes it easy to monitor usage on each phone as well, so you can easily track down which phone on your family plan the costs on your bill are coming from.
Overall if you are looking for a reliable service for your cell phone family plan, Verizon will deliver the service you need, and allows you to cater to the number of phones, minutes, texts, data etc. on each member of your family's phone. If you are looking for the best Verizon deals, you can visit our partner site to order your Verizon family plan.